The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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83 lines
****** V X R E F **** Variables Cross Reference
..the utility to show all lines where a variable is
used; for all BASIC programs written in GW/PC Basic
or BASICA and saved with A-Option ( i.e. as ASCII
File); can be run on all IBM PCs and clones of low
compatibility with DOS 2.0 or higher.
VXREF is was compiled by MS Quickbasic (V 4.0), thus
it is a fast, easy to use utility. It needs a simple
BASIC source (in ASCII) as input, the neat list is
created directly on printer or as a print file.
VXREF is migthier than other programs of that kind,
the reason why the author made up to it. It avoids
common errors by this way:
- lines are n o t renumbered, whereas labels are
- distinction between variables and arrays of same
name is made, e.g. A <> A(..)
- type declarations and system variables are ignored
as legal variables (that means DEFINT A-I,X or
ERR, TIME$, EOF do n o t set up A,I,X or
ERR,TIME$,EOF in the output list)
- each occurance of a variable inside a line is men-
tionned o n c e and does not blow up references
How to use
VXREF is evoced by typing "VX", what will start the
compiled program VXREF . Before it make sure
- that the BASIC programm to be analysed is on disk as
ASCII file
- there is enough work space on standard disk drive
for the needed work file ( <= source in length)
- the printer is ready or in case you want a print
file theres enough space on disk
After starting you are prompted for the source file's
name; you can type drive, path etc as far as your DOS
allows that. This name is used with extension .PRN to
create a wanted print file. Thats all to pay atten-
tion for...
At last one warning - dont break the running VXREF
(with CNTRL BREAK), it leaves open files on disk !
Files on this disk
VX.EXE executable file of VXREF
READ.ME this instructions
********** VXREF is free software, you may copy or
pass it as long as this remark, the instructions and
the EXE File VX is completely transmitted. No fees or
retail costs may be charged except pure distribution
expenses ********************************************
If you are satisfied and VXREF had been of good use
for you send 5 US$ or equivalent in europeen curren-
cy (no checks) to
W. Kremer
Hoffnungsthaler Str 40
D - 5064 Roesrath
Fed Rep of Germany
As value you will get the latest release, the full
basic souce code (!), more detailed instructions
(e.g. how to enlarge VXREF for more commands), an
example file to see how VXREF works and the autor's
helpline on request.
Copyright by W. Kremer, D-5064 Roesrath
Release V 1.3 - March 31, 1988